Today I want to review a book entitled: 絵でわかる日本語使い分け辞典1000, a dictionary of Japanese expressions.
I first knew about this book a couple of years ago when I was enrolled in a 6 months Japanese language course. One day one of our teachers used this book to introduce us to some expressions. I liked it pretty much so I bought it a couple of weeks later.
Let me tell you what I liked about this book. Normal text books contain mainly grammar and vocab, some texts, etc. but only little attention is paid to expressions. However, the Japanese language often uses expressions that you can't really understand from vocab alone (see some of my posts on Japanese expressions. It might not always be easy to guess the meaning of 鼻にかける without actually studying this phrase). This book on the other hand is filled with expressions and in that sense I think it is rather unique. A second point I liked is that for each expression there is also a small cartoon illustrating its meaning. A bit childish, you say? Might be, but it often helped me understand expressions without having to look them up in my electronic dictionary. Don't you sometimes notice people using 「びっくりする」 every time they are surprised by something? Read this book and you will learn alternatives like 「仰天する」,「息をのむ」, or 「目を疑う」. Even if you read just 1 page a day this book will make your Japanese so much richer. The book is loosely organized by time of the year. So, you are likely to find expressions used in the context of what is going on during each month of the year. For example, in the chapter for August some expressions are used in the context of the Obon vacation. At the back of the book there are some pages focusing on expressions concerning specific parts of the body, and animals. Recommended.
I first knew about this book a couple of years ago when I was enrolled in a 6 months Japanese language course. One day one of our teachers used this book to introduce us to some expressions. I liked it pretty much so I bought it a couple of weeks later.
Let me tell you what I liked about this book. Normal text books contain mainly grammar and vocab, some texts, etc. but only little attention is paid to expressions. However, the Japanese language often uses expressions that you can't really understand from vocab alone (see some of my posts on Japanese expressions. It might not always be easy to guess the meaning of 鼻にかける without actually studying this phrase). This book on the other hand is filled with expressions and in that sense I think it is rather unique. A second point I liked is that for each expression there is also a small cartoon illustrating its meaning. A bit childish, you say? Might be, but it often helped me understand expressions without having to look them up in my electronic dictionary. Don't you sometimes notice people using 「びっくりする」 every time they are surprised by something? Read this book and you will learn alternatives like 「仰天する」,「息をのむ」, or 「目を疑う」. Even if you read just 1 page a day this book will make your Japanese so much richer. The book is loosely organized by time of the year. So, you are likely to find expressions used in the context of what is going on during each month of the year. For example, in the chapter for August some expressions are used in the context of the Obon vacation. At the back of the book there are some pages focusing on expressions concerning specific parts of the body, and animals. Recommended.
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